Tool-x in termux

After we discussed how to install termux and setup our environment (apt update, apt upgrade) now it is time to use it for penetration testing.
The termux app is a Linux emulater, can be used almost the same way as any Linux distribution even like the famous one kali linux.
How to transform termux into pentest tool without root? 
We need to understand that termux is not made especially for hacking  but we can use it to install hacking optemised tool for it or even to install the famous kali nethunter all thus with just a simple way using  Txtool. 
Before we download Txtool on termux let's first understand why we should download it. 
We said that we can use termux for different purposes depend on your need, (C programming, C++ programming, python programming,network scanning, web scanning, exploring exploit in different os... ),all this based on the tools that you download so all what you have to do is to look on the internet for needed tool then download it and then install it, it may look like a simple thing but if you are new in this field this will take from a some time since not all Linux package can be used on termux , whether you are an expert hacker or a beginner you need way to automatisation thus tasks.
First it require python version 2.x installed on your termux. 

How to Install in Tool-X ?

Open the terminal and type following commands.
  • apt update
  • apt install git
  • git clone
  • cd Tool-X
  • chmod +x install.aex
  • sh install.aex if not work than use ./install.aex

Now Tool-X is installed successfully. To run Tool-X Type Tool-X in your terminal.
Type Tool-X from anywhare in your terminal to open Tool-X.
How to use Tool-x on termux 
If everything works fine you should see welcome screen like this. 
Type 0 then enter to install all 263 tools one time this may take a lot of time and space storage. 
Type 1 then enter to see all the 263 of tool then you can choose the desired package by typing its number.
Type 2 to see a well organized list of the tools depending on the utility of each one. 
Type 3 to see the operating system you can install like (kali, Ubuntu...). 
Type 4,5 or x then entre for update tool-x, see the about page or exit the app. 
If you choose to type 2 a screen like this will appear for you
Every pentest tool has a specific role there a tool for network scanning other for servers hacking other for passwords guessing tools...
Let's suppose that we won't to install exploit tool so we type 6
A page like this appears.
If you want for example to install metasploit framework type 1 then enter, and so on.
Type 00 to return to previous menu.
Let's say you choose 3 options for the principle menu (termux os)
This will lead you to a list operating system (os), Ubuntu, kali nethunter, fedora....

Make sure to keep your Tool-x updated.
For more information you can always check official github page of the project

Related :
Cool package try it on termux 
