Cool package must have in termux
Those are Some interesting tools that can be installed simply from the default package manager.
w3m is an open-source text-based web browser let you browse web page from your terminal . in w3m
This tool could not give you the complete experience that you get from your normal browser (chrom, opera...) but it will help you understand a little bit the elements of the web pages. in w3m
installe it using this command :
apt install w3m
Usage : w3m -option URL
[Control + z] to exit
This simple, easy tool inspired from the famous movie "Matrix " it will make your terminal looks the same as the one in the film.Install it using this command :
apt install cmatrix
Usage : cmatrix - option
cmatrix help menu
You can close it with [control + c]nano
Nano is a powerful text editor used to open, edit, save files in many format.Install it using this command :
apt install nano
nano help menu
Usage :
nano -option file-name-WantToOpen
nano -option file-name Want-To-Create
[Control + x] to exit, if you make any changes it will ask you to save it yes or no, if yes in what name (name.format)
nano editor
Sample tools display what you enter in big letters.Install it using this command :
apt install figlet
Usage :
figlet -option
figlet (write what ever you want and hit enter)
Figlet help menu
[control +d] to exit Related:
Execute bash command from python shell console.
How to install Tool-X in termux
Make termux looks the way you want
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