Change the font color of termux without any additional tools using the .bashrc file
The .bashrc file is a shell script file, generally used as a user-specific configuration file for the BASH (Bourne Again SHell) shell. It is located in a user's home directory, and will be executed when that user logs into bash. The script written in this file is automatically executed every times new shell terminal is opened (every time you open the terminal). We can use it to execute certain commands in every time we open the terminal (color changes, calling of tools or scripts that we want to use). Example of bash script for .bashrc files For this step we need to open the .bashrc and put your code in it using text editor like nano vim... or any other text editor. after open .bashrc file past this code : PS1='\033[01;31m\h\033[01;34m \W \$\033[00m \033[1;93m ' Open .bashrc file with nano In termux PS1 - variable that display in the beginning of every command line and controls the appearance of every character you type. in our example it is the respo...