Linux command you need to know

Some Linux command that you can use it in termux emulater this command can be used for every Linux distribution.

cd command

Cd [directory name] use this command to move from local directory to next/previous directory

For examples : if you are in a directory called "local _directory" contain  other directories one of them named "next_directory", to move from "local_directory " to " next_directory" just type :

cd next_directory then hit enter, if next_directory contain an other directory jus type cd directory_name , in case you want to return to previous folder in this case you don't have to know the name of the file just type cd ..  (cd space then 2 point) then hit enter.

Linux command are very sensitive when it came to the syntaxe, you must be careful in spelling of every letter you write and specially big and small one for example "Cd" is not the same as "cd" and not the same as "CD", otherwise you will have errors.

ls command

We said that cd used to navigate from folder to another using the name of the destination (child folder) let us suppose we want to find pdf file we had downloaded in our device we know that it will be in storage folder
now type
cd storage to enter the directory named storage then we type again
ls to display the content of storage
[ dcim          movie pictures]
[ downloads music shared]
now if we want to enter the download folder :
cd download
And if we type
ls it will display download contents and maybe your pdf file will be there, if not type
cd .. To return to storages folder and renter to an other directory.
I know it will not be easy from the first time and you may face some errors but with practice should be easy.
ls command have many options can be used to show different kind of information about the content to know more about it options just type
ls - help
You can try it all one by one.
Example :
ls - 1
ls - a
ls - A
pwd command
Use this command to know the location of your current directory
As you see we are in home directory.
Control your package
when we say packages control we mean having the ability to install or show or remove or update in a few seconds, with one command line.
apt is the front-end of dpkg, a debian package manager used in termux.
apt install <package-name> :to install the
apt show <package-name> :to display information
apt update <package-name> :update package
pkg list-all :display list of all the packages available in alphabetical order
pkg list-installed :display only the list of installed packages.
apt remove <package-name> :remove the named packages.
apt command have many options you should try it but be careful when using remove command.
