Rules to respect in order to get approved by adsense

The first thing came to your mind when you think about making money blogging on the internet is  Google adsense the most used advertising program on the web in 2015 thew pay nearly $ 10B to their publishers.
So, all what you have to do is making a blog in blogger website (WordPress website or Google blogger. Com) then sit back and watch the money floating into your wallet, it's a good plan only if your blog get approved by adsense whish not quite easy at all.
First of all you should keep in mind the the terms and the policies of adsense may change any time and per our Terms and Conditions, it's your responsibility to keep up-to-date with them.

AdSense Program policies

Invalid clicks and impressions
The publisher shouldn't press on their own ads or use any other method to inflate impressions (click) artificial or manually.

Encouraging clicks or views (non-rewarded inventory)
The publisher participating in adsense should not encourage the user to click or view  their ads with any method (using phrases like “click on the ads”, or any other method).

Content policies
AdSense will not give you the permission to use its services only if your content that violate their content policy which means no choking content, hacking content, sales of illegal stuff, any other illegal content…

Abusive experiences
With Abusive experiences we mean :
>> Fake Messages,
>> Unexpected Click Areas Transparent       backgrounds, non-visible page…
>>Misleading Site Behavior
Page features such as scroll bars, play buttons, “next” arrows, close buttons, or navigation links that lead to an ad.
>>Browser History Manipulation
Prevents the normal function of the “Back” button by keeping the user from returning to the previous
Ads or page elements that attempt to steal personal information
>>Auto Redirect redirect user to another page
>>Mouse Pointer
Ads or page elements that resemble a moving or clicking mouse pointer that attempt to trick a user into interacting with it.
>>Malware or Unwanted Software

Authorized inventory (ads.txt)

The publishers must ensure that they are included as authorized sellers of that inventory if they decide to to use ads.txt on their domains
For more information about ads.txt click here

Copyrighted material
Your blog should not contain any material protected by copyright law.

Counterfeit goods
You cannot put adsense ads on page that offers for sale or promote the sale of counterfeit goods…
Traffic sources
That's mean if your website visitors came as a result of email advertising program send unwanted email, and even if you want to use online advertising must ensure that their pages comply with Google's Landing Page Quality Guidelines.
( )

Ad behavior
Publishers are permitted to make modifications to the AdSense ad code so long as those modifications do not artificially inflate ad performance or harm advertisers. Please see Modification of the AdSense ad code

Ad placement
You cannot put adsense code in pop-up page, email, software, etc check ad placement policy

Site behavior
Your blog or web site should be easy to use, should never change user preferences redirect users to unwanted websites, initiate downloads, include malware or contain pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with site navigation.

Technical requirements

Your blog language must use supported language,
Applications for participation in these programs can be for sites with content primarily in the following languages

Also your web page must respect requirements format (html)
Google advertising cookies
You cannot collect information about their user using web beacons as a result of ad serving on their website Or reading or placing cookies on their browser. Learn more about preparing your privacy policy(
This is a technical detail you need to focus on it if you are building your own website from the scratch, not using blogging platform in my opinion.

=>>> there more of this roles to focus on it but
I think it should not concern  us like (
Identifying users and user consent ( Privacy,
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA))
This article is a resume of the official policy page from google if there are anything not clear I recommend you to take a look on it before taking any action.

You should keep in mind the AdSense may and it will change its policy any time and it's your responsibility to be update.
