
deactivate frp lock

Factory Reset Protection (FRP), is a security feature on Android devices implemented by Google in Android Version 5.1 (Lollipop) and higher. The FRP provides a built-in security feature preventing you from use the device unless you enter the correct email and password before the reset . To prevent the FRP lock all what you need to do is turn oem unlocking option on before doing factory reset.  Go to b  settings > about phone > build number (tap on it 7 time), in some smartphone  Settings > About phone > Software info > Build number (tape on it 7 time)  return to settings and you should find  new options called developers options  click on it go to oem unlocking option and activate it.  Then you can reset your phone without getting locked.

deactivate frp lock

Factory Reset Protection ( FRP ), is a security feature on  Android  devices implemented by Google in  Android  Version 5.1 (Lollipop) and higher. The  FRP  provides a built-in security feature preventing you from use the device unless you enter the correct email and password before the reset . To prevent the FRP lock all what you need to do is turn oem unlocking option on before doing factory reset.  Go to b  settings > about phone > build number (tap on it 7 time), in some smartphone  Settings > About phone > Software info > Build number (tape on it 7 time)  return to settings and you should find  new options called developers options   click on it go to oem unlocking option and activate it.  Then you can reset your phone without getting locked.

How to Connect to Wi-Fi Without Password

You can access wifi network without password even if it is secure, if you can reach the router and press the button WPS on the router then in your smartphone go to setting > network , and search for ' WPS connection' , (depending on your phone manufacturer) example for hwawei phone work with Android 8 Chose WI-FI Advanced Wi-Fi Settings  WPS connection  Few seconds and it's done  This step may not be the same for all the smart phones depend on the model and the manufacturer of the device. Some router needs from you contenu pressing on the WPS button to the end of the operation (this gonna take few seconds )

Change your Google account to US account permanently

Change your Google account to US account permanently Login to your account normally . Open this url    on Google Store credit section click the button labeled set up  Enter 10007 as your zip code then click continue.(if you check your Google account in the browser you will see that your country has changed)  Download any vpn app and choose us server (this action need to be done once a time then you can delete the app)  Go to settings > application on your Android phone and wipe data of both Google play services and app store Open app store while vpn app connected on the US server, go to account > preferences and choose united States.  You can delete the VPN and your account will stay us account.  Note   You should know that this action might be permanent, and you can't undue this action (your country will stay United States) .  

Change the font color of termux without any additional tools using the .bashrc file

The .bashrc file is a shell script file, generally used as a user-specific configuration file for the BASH (Bourne Again SHell) shell. It is located in a user's home directory, and will be executed when that user logs into bash. The script written in this file is automatically executed every times new shell terminal is opened (every time you open the terminal). We can use it to execute certain commands in every time we open the terminal (color changes, calling of tools or scripts that we want to use). Example of bash script for .bashrc files For this step we need to open the .bashrc and put your code in it using text editor like nano vim... or any other text editor. after open .bashrc file past this code : PS1='\033[01;31m\h\033[01;34m \W \$\033[00m \033[1;93m ' Open .bashrc file  with nano In termux  PS1 - variable that display in the beginning of every command line and controls the appearance of every character you type. in our example it is the respo...

Cool package must have in termux

Those are Some interesting tools that can be installed simply from the default package manager. w3m w3m is an open-source text-based web browser let you browse web page from your terminal . in w3m This tool could not give you the complete experience that you get from your normal browser (chrom, opera...) but it will help you understand a little bit the elements of the web pages. in w3m installe it using this command : apt install w3m Usage : w3m -option URL [Control + z] to exit cmatrix This simple, easy tool inspired from the famous movie "Matrix " it will make your terminal looks the same as the one in the film. Install it using this command : apt install cmatrix Usage : cmatrix - option cmatrix help menu  You can close it with [control + c ] nano Nano is a powerful text editor used to open, edit, save files in many format.  Install it using this command : apt install nano nano help menu ...

Plagiarism conséquences and tools

Plagiarism conséquences for e-business Plagiarism is the acte of copying content written by someone . This could be academically wrong and in many case it condenser as sheathing especially in the field of education and even illegal in some case if the content protected by copyright law. For blogger this act is not approchiated by reader who will notice similarity between your content and other website, but the real consequences will appear when you deal with search engines like Google or bing... Because this giant company spend a lot of resources and use it servers for comparing the content you publish in your website with other websites and the rank of your website will be effected by the plagiarism pourcentages. Many websites or blog owners use the services provided by freelancer to write an interesting content and the relay on their honesty to not steal someone's work, but in case you have some doubts this tool can help you make sure. Online plagiarism tools ...